Water Damage
Water damage can range from minimal to completely destructive, depending on the materials involved and the amount, circumstances, and purity of the water. The effects of Water Damage on different types are clear. Dirty water from sewage leaks, floodwaters from rivers and colored liquids like fruit juices make the clean-up process more difficult.
Water can cause the bleeding of inks and dyes in decorative papers, causing them to appear blurry or streaked. When exposed to water, some prints and materials will soften and stick to adjacent surfaces. Papers that get wet can become distorted or warped and some may even dissolve completely in water.
Various materials will respond differently to water.
It is not be stored in basements, beneath or next to plumbing lines in walls and ceilings, and, if possible, should be kept off the floor on higher shelving. If you live in an area with a known flood risk, take special care to prepare your home against flooding.
The technicians know how to repair and protect your home from flooding. As a retailer in an area of flood risk, be sure to print that document and keep it handy. They also have a publication to help those affected by severe flooding. Encourage your customers to keep duplicates of photographs or original negatives, and demonstrate products to help them organize and maintain their collection of images. Having duplicates of your photographs will make salvaging a damaged collection much easier and less heart rending, particularly if the damage to the albums is irreparable.