Flood Repair
Cleanup is important for your health. Flood waters can contain microorganisms such as bacteria, molds and viruses. They also can contain raw sewage, dead animals and other debris. It is important to remove these and contaminated materials form your home quickly. If materials are not cleaned properly or discarded promptly, then poor air quickly can result. Microorganisms can contaminate indoor air and cause respiratory problems and allergies. They also can continue to damage building materials long after the flood waters recede.
In the other hand, it is important to remove furniture, carpets and other household items that were wet or damaged by the flood waters. Wet and contaminated materials contain microorganisms that contaminate indoor air. The next step is to patch or fix roofs, broken windows and other places to prevent leaks.
The important step is to dry out your house or building. The drying process is extremely important because most microorganisms survive in moist environments. Thoroughly dry the building during the first 24 to 48 hours after the water enters the structure. You can use fans if it is safe to use electricity. Besides it, you have to open windows to increase air circulation and drying.
It may be necessary to remove portions of walls, ceiling and floors to completely dry out the house. You need to consider removing and replacing those materials to avoid future indoor air quality problems, especially if the drying process did not begin within 48 hours. You have to continue the drying process for days or weeks until materials are thoroughly dry. Humidity levels are important to monitor, since microorganisms thrive in humid environments. So, there should not be a musty odor if the house is dried completely. Normal humidity level is 35% -55%.
You have to wear gloves and use eye protection when you clean the Flood water. Flood Repair needs to clean up all of the water damaged. Using them will provide proper ventilation and not mixing different household cleaning agents. You also should remove and discard items that cannot be dried and cleaned effectively. It can be difficult to throw away water damaged items. However, keeping the items that were soaked with water could be harmful to your health, as they are a source of microbial growth. Discard wet materials that cannot be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
To summarize, you have to cleanup Flood damage by Flood Repair and do some steps to clean them up, and then call to Flood Repair technicians to repair it completely.